BoB were in the studio
We spent a weekend in the studio. Expectations about how many songs we would be able to record within the span of just two days varied from a modest ‘maybe three’ to an overly optimistic ‘maybe eight’.
We played ‘live in the studio’, to capture how we sound on stage. It felt like rehearsing or like gigging without an audience, apart from finding ourselves surrounded by a shit load of mikes. Things went smoothly and well above our wildest expectations: in eleven hours we found ourselves having recorded no less than eleven songs, after which we spent a few hours doing backing vocals and just a minimum of other overdubs. The recordings came out fab (we think), so we are much looking forward to sharing them with you soon.
We had 6 new BoB songs and an Irish trad on our sleeves, which we recorded within a day. So we decided we might as well re-record four of our earlier songs, as we now sound different than before. So brace yourselves.